Attention Registrar of the High Court,
Miss Carolyn Johnson
Attention Justices Bell and Gageler
cc CEO Commonwealth Bank of Australia,
All Australian and all Attorney Generals
Political representatives, Australia wide, both Federal and State, and
All Australian’s.
This account clearly disclosure corruption within our courts.
The evidence is criminal and factual; I am including extracts displaying this corruption and the self admission, undeniable evidence of the corruption within our court system, and how the courts denied justice, and have done all possible to not allow the evidence to be presented in full.
I can exposed all that is needed for Australian’s to be concerned and press criminal charges regarding our law and order Please advise me of what my best approach to take these crimes to Hearing, I am seeking the involvement of our Attorney General’s both State and Federal, plus all of Australia.
I am treated with contempt, the courts cancelled our criminal charges to reasons to reopen the Appeal, all this done to hide the corruption we have exposed, this change to reasons to reopen the trial is now obvious it was done so those accused of criminal charges need not answer any of the criminal charges.
Not one claim was answered, and they were clearly made and charges pleaded:
apprehended bias, Judge Nicholas and the entire senior legal team for the CBA in Nicholas, Sackar and McCulloch/k, Million of dollars involved.
bias, no comment on facts supplied to the courts?
changing of the transcripts, undeniable evidence exists.(not disputed)
changing of the Joint Tendered Bundle , undeniable evidence exists (not Disputed)
Refusing the issuing of any subpoenas, that would have exposed fully those guilty and the truth. Not one was allowed, even after I had given evidence that the FBI in USA would verify their findings and how accurate their findings were..
Failure in The CBA suppling all MFI’s produced in court 8 are missing and most were associated with The CBA making false presentations by CBA bank managers ( three affidavits Irwin, Fitgura and Newton), along with three tendered evidence MFI’s making this lot missing 6 in total) all claiming I was in at the CBA Liverpool on the 15th march 1990 when I showed I was on Singapore that day. This exposed the corrupt manipulation they had in place involving ComputerReporters and Sackar’s legal team in Shaw McDonald CBA attorneys.
Please read carefully as this written below has many facts which are immortalised events and indisputable.
The legal system is corrupt, my English is poor I still know what is the truth.
Both The Appeal Court and the High Court refuse to allow me even one subpoena that could prove beyond question the truth, and expose this corruption.
Please read all this submission its factual and still remains, please read and check what both the Attorney Generals department and the CBA are doing all to hide any future investigation.
Companies that were closed immediately, after I exposed their involvement in corruption, many of these events are immortalised in the court files and my submissions.
(1) ComputerReporters and the
(2) CBA in house attorneys Shaw McDonald
These extremely large groups were both key part of the corruption that robbed any form of justice to those in opposition, both the Appeal Court and the High Court denied me any of the technology available today which can definitely exposed these crimes that in the past were untraceable, This I know is why they became implicit when they realised something undetectable before is now exposable.
All Legal practices and Australia, we must insist on cleaning up this disgraceful corrupt monopoly, any barristers willing to help our country pleases contact me as I can not do it on my own. They just keep treating me with contempt.
I even offered both the High Court and Appeal Court in Australia the USA fraud team involved as they are confident the crimes can be exposed, because of the manner of the crimes exposed, our trial is something that has been practiced for some time, this was no way this was the first.
Forensics have assured me that the evidence they use is undeniable, and the proof unquestionable.
Only The Appeal Courts and The High Court refuse the right to allow me any investigation and submit their accounts and facts. I even begged them to allow me at my costs to arrange such an inquiry. They both refused me obtaining such evidence.
A true copy of the Letter submitted in court regarding false signed documents by Mrs Garland submitted by the CBA. Can also be confirmed, Mrs R Garland was bluntly fraudulent,
I am attaching a letter from one of the services I have consulted to state my advise and observation. I know the truth and any investigation will only confirm any submissions I make.
Dear Tony,
Reference is made to our telephone discussion earlier today regarding the examination of writing inks.
As discussed, we can undertake a non-destructive examination of the writing inks using the microscope and the Video Spectral Comparator (VSC). If differences are detected in the optical properties of the writing inks it can be concluded that the writing inks are different. If, however, the writing inks appear similar, this does not mean that they are the same ink as different writing inks can have the same optical properties and different pens can contain the same ink.
If it is the case that the inks cannot be distinguished using the VSC, it may be possible to detect differences using invasive chemical examinations. This is not something that we can undertake, however, there is an expert in the United States that may be able to help you in this regard. His contact details are as follows:
Dr Valery Aginsky, Ph.D.
Forensic Chemist / Ink and Document Dating Specialist
6280 Heathfield Drive
East Lansing, Michigan 48823
Tel.: (517) 204-4780 and (517) 339-0593
Please let me know if you require any further information.
Kind regards,
The programmes forensics use to detect changers during the trial transcripts is even better and far easier they can from the secure disc, expose all the changes whilst the discs were written.
There is no need for the original computer as previous required with bias to extract the time process in the computer they have developed a programme to extract the changes, that occurred during recording.
I begged the Appeal Court and The High Court for only a few subpoena’s that could deliver the truth and what actually happened,
They both bluntly refused any.
Why has both The Appeal Court and The High Court deny Justice and the tools that can only deliver justice and the truth. This is not justice and both ignore and refuse to allow the truth to surface and be known. complicity beyond belief.
My recollection of what actually took place in the trial is firm and positive as I was present for the whole trial and the extent of the changes within the Transcripts will shock all our country, when exposed, These changes can be unquestionably proven and exposed.
Australia insist on our integrity do not loose such an opportunity or our ability to expose these crimes will be hidden forever.
I beg the Attorney Generals in all of Australia to undergo such tests on computer style recordings, do mine first to realise how corrupt this system can really be, you have nothing to loose other than exposing a corruption that is in my case unbelievable..
What I also learnt is that the Attorneys Generals office is responsible for the security of transcript providers to the court.
I believe this explains why after I ask for help from the Attorneys Generals office and the CBA. The both companies I experienced and exposed as corrupt:
Shaw McDonald In house attorneys for the CBA and ComputerReporters were closed, not one word in reply to my disclosures?
These companies were immediately closed without mention to me after exposing them.
My case was left idle, clearly it appears this time was used to hide evidence and avoid other cases realising how seriously corrupt the system was and if their case was influenced.
Just imagine the costs that affects Australia wide to rectify this style of corruption from two prominent companies, this is now easy to disclose, Australia must learn the truth, how many innocent people or others have experience a similar corruption. As long as the disc are not destroyed the evidence is there for all time.
Closed was (1) ComputerReporters Pty Ltd.
(2) Shaw McDonald CBA in house attorneys for the CBA, here we have one the largest Banks in Australia, refusing to even consider or openly discuss the corruption, but are willing to take losses of many millions in closing their in house attorneys, to try and hide corruption within the CBA they have unjustly taken advantage of those far less fortunate.
The CBA are no better than the criminals they refuse to investigate, and for them to rob the people they make their strength on, there is no greater crime.
Remember all the complicity show her is unbelievable, not one body government or the CBA has even asked me to discuss my evidence, my experience or my findings
High Court. S7 2013.
Supreme Court, 5840/92
Appeal Court 40442/05
There was a Hearing that is in front of the High Court of Australia S7 of 2013, its been in process for over 22 years case numbers:- Trial 5840/92 then 25403/92 and appeal case 40442/05
I Appeal to The High Court yourself, Justices Bell and Gageler JJ, they have erred seriously and an injustice to Australia is an outcome. Please reopen this case and allow me to obtain and submit what happened.?
I have asked for guidance from the High Court when tendering my submission and was forced to reduce my submission by 8 pages to 10 pages because as in the Appeal court you must do it within 10 pages, so I asked the High Court for subpoenas and be allowed extra pages, so justice may be represented, my request was denied.
To review the evidence submitted in the Appeal and High Court Challenge, not either of the bodies have made a mention of the crimes anywhere, and no one has sought clarification of such serious claims, and those accused to reply? :-
These serious crimes must be heard, as all Australian’s will bear the outcome, This is against all that my Australia stands for, what concerns me is that there is documented proof of the corruption and to date it has all been ignored, Judge Hodgson was the only one to make a mention in saying how dare I say that about a Judge, referring to Judge Nicholas, he also then went on to refuse me to address the crimes by Mr Sackar and Judge Nicholas attempt to cover it up, whilst the Hearing in the Supreme Court was in progress Judge Nicholas was that day in business Mr Sackar to the tune of many millions of dollars, and when truth be fully know, they deliberately mislead the Supreme court.
Bernie Coles and Brenton Banfield asked both Sackar and Nicholas did they have anything to disclose, to which bias was discussed by all three in Court Hearing on the 10th September 2003 deliberate deception and fraud beyond belief, this is all documented McCulloch/k on the 10th September that day in court, all three Judge Nicholas, Mr J Sackar and even Mr M McCulloch/k were all involved in a business together Denman Chambers Pty Ltd providing chamber to many barristers which are Judges today. ?
This is the fraud and contempt delivered in Court by Justice Nicholas and Mr M McCulloch/k and these lies existed and only passed initial detection because the Labor Party had removed from records the Company registration of Denman Chambers Pty Ltd, making it invisible from viewing.
Mr Brenton Banfield and Dr C Birch initially said to me I have got it wrong that no such company exists, only I was fortunate enough to have a copy of the Companies registration before it was removed, and at the time was advised more existed but subpoenas were need to learn the truth.
Mr Brenton Banfield investigated how could this be, his reply from Labor was that it was for the security of Judge Nicholas, only when it was realised we had a copy, the registration was immediately relisted this says enough about their belief what is the truth?
Even though we have raised the bias and apprehended bias, we have been denied subpoenas to disclose the extent of Apprehended bias and not one admission by either three have we received. The Appeal Court gave orders they make a substantial disclose, other than an unsigned affidavit by Mr Sackar proven fraudulent no disclosure was offered.
The initial trial 5840 / 92, were we received deceit and fraud by all three Judge Nicholas at his own hearing in the 10th September 2003
Mr J Sackar’s response was his own affidavit a fraudulent statement beyond belief, response by both the Appeal Court and High Court was to not even mention such fraud.
Then their was Mr M McCullock/h he toyed and mocked the truth when he advised Judge Nicholas that at best concerning then we only had apprehended bias.
At that time we were not aware that whilst the trial was on, Judge Nicholas, Mr J Sackar and Mark McCulloch/k were owners of Denman Chambers Pty Ltd, they had officers next to each other in that company on the sixth floor Selborn Chamber.
I was told this is why laws covering apprehended bias and bias exit, so such people can not have a conflict of interest, unbelievable they offered not a word, and what is more disgusting is that many of Judges would know the success of the two/ three and not one word from anyone, Judge Campbell in the Appeal did disclose 5 years after he rule in the Appeal that he was tied up in business with Nicholas, Sackar and McCulloch/k , not one word as required by law, how can this man be trusted. WE immedia6tely asked he stand down, to a response its his call and he was not standing down.
Nicholas , Sackar and McCulloch/k such three should have never been allowed to hear a case together, and such involvement with the all three being involved with the changing of transcripts and evidence is reason why such laws exist, only these people believed they were above our laws.
In the The Appeal I made clear Our criminal claims against MR Nicholas, Mr Sackar and Mr M McCulloch/k , only the Appeal asked that I provide them with a list of the subpoena’s I had requested to complete my evidence.
I even went to the trouble to engage a barrister “Mr McKellor” to see no misuse of subpoenas existed, the Appeal Court after realising the subpoenas’ I sought, denied my rights to even issue one, they refused me any subpoenas and change my case to
“Reason’s to re open the Appeal”
A ploy I realised allowed no response by the criminals I exposed.
Mr Sackar because of the criminal charges against himself resigned as chief barrister for the CBA Shaw McDonald and The CBA dispensed with. ComputerReporters Pty Ltd
When we asked CBA legal team in the TRIAL that we had read that Judge Nicholas and Mr Sackar had bought cattle together and it appeared business together, and as it was realised not only they had a business together, they with Mr M McCullock/h (he operated under two alias, they all had offices next to each other on the sixth floor Selborn Chambers, during the trial, the three of them owned together offices next to each other and a business Denman Chambers Pty Ltd.
I was ill and did call and visit the High Court on a number of occasions, seeking instructions, never I was informed that the High Court was waiting; their response on all occasions was my case S7 was under review, and initially it would take 4/6 weeks it took over 7/8 months
Only now I read I had to respond to Justice Hodgson’s deliberation, neve once was this advised to me. The evidence I submitted clearly accounts for the corruption for the High Court to make such an observation was unjust and done to only protect the corruption obvious as if addressed no earlier ruling could be have any basis.
My submission is clearly one of corruption and how Mr Sackar with the help of Judge Nicholas, continually changed the Court Transcripts changing at will corruption that will shock all that was needed is a few subpoenas to have forensics expose most all the crimes in our case.
What Justice is there when I am not allowed subpoenas to expose these criminals, and what harm would result if I’m proven wrong.
I can take the forensic people exactly to most of the serious changes. And with the new technology most of the changes on the master disks can be extracted and reported on.
The High Court, and The Appeal Court must explain and be accountable to all Australia why they did everything to deny the truth from being known?
I begged the High Court to allow only a few subpoenas so I can show the truth, all refused.
This is my life these criminals have destroyed my life and how many others have they destroyed with similar tactics. Such a request can not be denied to any one of us?
No way is this a first, read on and read what has happened to ComputerReporters and the CBA attorneys Shaw McDonald, tying to hide their criminal past (criminal)_ “Both Closed”
I was forced to be a self litigant due to Barristers saying my evidence was too damning for Barristers, to expose corruption with Judges telling me their businesses would be seriously affected if not ruined.
I do not understand how such definitive evidence I submitted can be dismissed.
I made a statement that both Sackar and Nichols, have been business partners for 10’s of years in the millions of Dollars, not one word in disclosure even after my legal team asked them was there a conflict of interest between Sackar and Nicholas.
1) The extract from the transcripts is a confession by Mr Sackar’s and the complicity by Justice Nicholas how they used an corrupt transcript provider in ComputerReporters
2) This is undeniable evidence:
a. That Mr Sackar was previewing the transcripts prior to any others sighting them
b. That Mr Sackar was changing the transcripts prior to anyone sighting them.
c. It also explains why Sackar and Nicholas illegally persisted to use ComputerReporters, after we refused their use.
d. The extract clearly shows that the changes Mr Sackar had asked for had already been changed without permission or any one knowing of the changes.
e. This is also supported by the examples I mentioned from day one that such changes existed, this explains how the three affidavits, by CBA managers Mr Irwin, Mr Fitgura, and Mr Newton, and also the fraudulent account by Mrs Garland, are all missing. Read pages 11/12 the truth is obvious.
3) There is undeniable evidence of the changing the transcripts where Judge Nicholas does all he may to help hide the crime Mr Sackar has committed, and unknowingly confessed to.
Read for your self there is no misunderstanding
4) Nicholas and Sackar are the two most dishonourable people I have ever met, and to see what has happened to my life and the injustice delivered by them corruptly is heart breaking.
Both The High Court as did The Appeal Court, they did not to allow me subpoenas to expose the true extent of the corruption, even after I submitted evidence from the FBI USA that they could extract from the Hard Drives used in recording transcripts by ComputerReporters most of any changes in those recordings, they could expose more of the corruption they were found guilty of.
I. I requested on both courts these hard drive recordings used by Computer Reporters Pty Ltd so we could have a forensic report on their validity. (refused)
II. The Attorney Generals office is responsible for the transcripts, they changed the law governing transcript providers a number of times, each time I explained to them how useless their changes were, only to realise
(1) Computer Reporters was closed, and we are all unaware that such drastic changes had occurred to stop any future claims that may arise, all so criminal to me?
(2) Shaw McDonald the in house attorneys for the CBA was also closed by the CBA.
So much for the fraud being investigated, by The Attorney Generals Office and the CBA.
Justice Hodgson did question me for raising such a complaint of corruption against Judge Nicholas, and continued to refuse me the right to prove the crimes. Or rule on it.
I ask how our proof submitted to the Courts can be ignored:
(1) I submitted undeniable evidence where the transcripts were changed at will by Mr J Sackar
(2) Please read This a true extract of the transcript submitted in court that day.the crime is evident here within.
1 <ANTHONY GEORGE BAKARICH, on former oath: [10.04am]
3 MR SACKAR: There are two transcript matters. The first
4 one is at 163, line 15. It reads:
6 Steve might have taken your brother off.
8 My recollection was I said "your mother off".
10 MR COLES: That is my note.
12 HIS HONOUR: On page 163, line 15, the word "brother"
13 should be deleted and in lieu thereof insert the
14 word "mother".
16 MR SACKAR: The only other one, 207, line 46. The word
17 is "kindrson" - it was "you are that kind of person".
19 HIS HONOUR: That is what I have. I might be missing
20 something - line 46?
22 MR SACKAR: Page 207.
24 HIS HONOUR: It reads "that you are that kind of person".
26 MR COLES: Can I just ask, by way really of verification,
27 does page 207 of your Honour's copy end on line 47, which
28 is the next line?
32 HIS HONOUR: You appreciate you are on the oath that you
33 swore the other day?
34 A. Yes.
36 MR SACKAR: Q. I am going to remind you of one or two
37 things you said in evidence yesterday. If at any point
38 you would like to have a look at the transcript yourself
39 to make sure that what I am putting to you is the way you
40 remembered it, please ask, and I will have it shown to you
41 but I'm going to try and do it briefly. If there is any
42 problem at all, stop me and say, "I'd like to have a look
43 at it", or something to that effect, and we'll organise
44 that. You remember the first item - perhaps you don't -
45 that I dealt with yesterday when I commenced the
46 cross-examination was paragraph 60 of your large
47 affidavit. If you turn to paragraph 60, just to put
.12/12/03 (3) 221 A G BAKARICH xx (Mr Sackar)
Transcript produced by ComputerReporters
(3) This transcript clearly shows:-
a. The transcript copies of both Judge Nicholas and the plaintiff (our)copy were already changed before we received our copy of the transcript earlier that morning.
b. Mr Sackar by the time we had received our copy had already inspected the transcripts and changed them. Naturally by mistake he requested a change in court for something that had already been changed by his corrupt team.
c. Judge Nicholas clearly acknowledges this crime only he fails to even investigate how this crime could happen (he acknowledges the illegally changing of the transcripts. Ref :- Line 19.)
d. This is proof beyond question people associates in business must not be allowed with separate interests represent others in the same case.
(4) This form of corruption by Mr Sackar and Judge Nicholas continues with is also immortalised in the transcripts, and even more proof is within the Joint Tendered Bundle that is as obvious, total disrespect for law and all those that met these people..
(5) From the beginning Mr Sackar fabricated an persona that I was trying to show (A.G.Bakarich) was interested in the seeking funds to take over Demson, Mr Sackar during the trial introduces three affidavits one from Mr J Irwin Liverpool Manager, Mr J Newton loan manager and Mr J Fitgura Liverpool assistant Manager.
(6) All managers in their affidavits swore that on the 15th March 1990 that I was in the office at Liverpool CBA seeking a loan. Only as I recalled during the questioning I was in Singapore that day and the hearing sent out the CBA solicitor to find my travel statement for that time after several minutes he returned confirming that I was in Singapore that day, I will always remember when Mr Sackar directly said to me “Mr Bakarich I put to you that you were in at the CBA seeking to burrow funds that day”,
(7) In support of this event and the corruption the CBA practiced show that 8 MFI’s are missing and to cover this fraud The CBA combined the MFI’s in with the Joint Tendered Bundle showing that the Joint Tendered Bundle was rearranged by the CBA, when questioned did they do this (a criminal act) they did not deny they removed and replaced the Bundle, and stated they destroyed all the original copies submitted. The response by the Appeal and High Court is again unbelievable, this is all immortalised in submissions and evidence.
(8) With thank to God when Mr Sackar introduced affidavits by CBA Bank managers Irwin, Fitgura and Newton, and questioning me for at least 20 minutes I remembered in court that that was impossible as I was not in Australia on the 15th m\March 1990 I was in Singapore that day and the days on either side, most all the transcripts have been all removed, this is what forensics confirmed that with inspection the changes could be exposed, why would both courts refuse such evidence that could expose some of the most serious of breaches of our laws?
(9) Australia we are in real trouble. Please allow the truth to be known.
(10) Then Mr Sackar accused Mr B Coles of prompting me what to say, to which Mr Coles said, that Mr Sackar must withdraw such a statement as he was not going to accept such contempt, Judge Nicholas had no input. Just read what remains of this abuse in the transcripts?
(11) In response to my proving the CBA had committed fraud to disguise and hide their corruption they removed all the separate Joint Tendered Bundles we all initially submitted to the courts, they were all replaced them after being rearranged into a CBA joint tendered bundle we have today, black and white evidence still exists to day, High Court refuses to acknowledge evidence clearly in view?
(12) How could we ever get a fair trial with all the evidence so corrupted?
(13) These new Joint tendered Bundles unbelievably appeared in Commonwealth forms with most of the MFI’s included, this alone is impossible by law as the MFI’s are introduced during the trial, and not related to the Joint Tendered Bundle, one only needs to view The Joint Tendered Bundle in court to expose this corruption
(14) We asked the CBA for the originals naturally the three affidavits with corresponding evidence all were missing, one only needs check the numbered of the MFI’s and it will show the 8 MFI’s are missing.
(15) Brenton Banfield sol. made a special request on the CBA, for the initial Joint Tendered Bundle, submitted to the Supreme Courts their reply was they had destroyed, all the original files we submitted to the Supreme Courts along with their computer copies were all destroyed.
(16) Its hard to believe such important evidence involving their defence team can be destroyed by the CBA and they not be held accountable and accountable for at least a retrial, I can not even get any consideration for any of the outrageous criminal acts experienced at the CBA
(17) All I ask is that we be allowed for USA forensics part of their FBI give a report on the transcript hard drive used in our case as the data to date presented is corrupt, I must be allowed such a report as it can only aid the truth?
(18) We experienced Corruption beyond belief and with all my representations to the Appeal Court and now The High Court they all refuse to even mention the crimes, and grant a hearing, allowing justice to be heard.
(19) Most importantly changes on the hard drives used by Computer Reporters can be clearly exposed and I gave the Appeal Court and High Court such information, by a forensics teams in the USA, only both the Appeal Court and the High Court have refused me subpoenas to expose these criminals, denying us justice.
(20) Any representative of law and order must be held accountable why they persist in hiding a crime that has obviously been used and present for a long time?
(21) My report to the Attorney Generals department saw the laws covering Transcript providers introduced and changed, because of my knowledge now I was able to confirm two such changes they introduced were useless and I told the department that, that was my mistake as I believed the Attorneys Generals department would be impartial and honour their oaths to the Australian people, so misplaced was this trust and belief.
(22) What followed is just so un Australian, and so sad. Our system is so influenced by a few bad people. Disgustingly ComputerReporters and Shawn McDonald were closed with no investigation disclosed that would have revealed many such corrupt cases prior
(23) The transcript Company Computer Reporters was closed and immediately, started up in the same premises with another identity
(24) My submissions saw The CBA , immediately closed their in-house attorneys Shaw McDonald closed, all unbelievable.
(25) These services were all used by Mr Sackar and Judge Nicholas, all evidence shows them to be involved and all it will take is to have the true copies of trial investigated, to date we have been refused all attempts to have copies they rely their rulings on be inspected.
(27) I will try and submit this submission to the High Courts in the hope they will reconsider such important crimes.
(28) My health is poor and my English not good, I have realised I need help only all those that I have asked have been concerned it would destroy their ability to practice their legal profession so I realise I must approach the all I can to have my case heard so such criminals do not affect other innocent people in our country.
(29) Please Australia do what you can to help me expose such corruption your country needs you.
(30) I have been advised that the CBA donates much funding to both Liberal and Labor racks and it will be impossible to have the truth heard.
(31) My case was addressed by most all Judges nominated by The Labor party appointed, they were aware of the criminal charges and ongoing, they made Mr J Sackar a Judge, this was important as a sitting political party has the right to appoint Judges, and Labor lost power just after his appointment.
(32) I have produced evidence he was guilty and can produce so much more, unless fully investigated he would be the last person any honest any person and or party would make a judge,
(33) The high Court and The Appeal Court refuse us subpoenas to have him account for the crimes, he was involved with. Both refused subpoenas to expose the contempt and my right to fully expose the crimes and deliver a fair trial.
(34) I have produced proof that with the right subpoenas we would realise the corruption Mr Sackar was truly in charge off, this in no way was his first time and explains why he ignored my instruction to illegally used ComputerReporter, and why the Attorneys office were complicit with protecting those exposed and why ComputerReporters and Shawn McDonald (million dollar companies were immediately closed.)
(35) What we should insist on is that all records especially by ComputerReporters must be investigated for similar breaches, I know by the reaction by those affiliated will prove to be a beyond disgrace.
(36) Naturally there is many pages of evidence that shows the corruption I only seek s just trial so all the evidence is accounted for, it will shock Australia.
I take full responsibility for all I have written above and will work with any authority to resolve the crimes I mention, they are easily investigated and allow the truth to be known, If either the Appeal Court or the High Court believe this to be a misunderstanding I only seek that the truth be known and justice be administrated.
I must now seek help and make Australians aware of what we have experienced, a corruption that would disgrace any third world country, to see it done to protect the political donations from the CBA to politicians’ is so Amoral and is so distant from the belief of Australians, and what life is about.
Many Australians will receive this submission in the coming months, WE must unit and insist that the claims be addressed openly with support that is just and needed to expose such crimes.
Australia loose this opportunity and all those that have experienced similar at the hands of CBA, Shaw McDonald, and ComputerReporter, they have closed ComputerReporters to try and hide all those criminally affected,
I assure all with the right laws we can expose Sackar and Nicholas and many more, just place yourself in the place of people that are tortured with such corruption, Australia we have the Technology and opportunity to see this right, please be Australian see their exposed fully. Just look at what their done to hide the atrocities.
Yours Faithfully,
Anthony G Bakarich.